Please be informed that on September 11, 2024, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine decided to schedule a qualification exam during the qualification evaluation within the framework of the competition for vacant positions of judges in the appellate court announced by the Commission’s decision of
September 14, 2023, № 94/zp-23 (as amended).
The following stages of the qualification exam are determined:
first stage – testing of general knowledge in the field of law and knowledge of the specialization of the relevant court;
second stage – testing of cognitive abilities;
third stage – the completion of a practical task in the specialization of the relevant court.
The passing score of the qualification exam is 75 per cent of the maximum possible score.
The schedule for testing general knowledge in the field of law and specialization knowledge has been determined:
- the appellate court of general jurisdiction (civil specialization) (by the link) (in Ukrainian);
- the appellate court of general jurisdiction (criminal specialization) (by the link) (in Ukrainian);
- the appellate administrative court (by the link) (in Ukrainian);
- the appellate commercial court (by the link) (in Ukrainian).
If the name of the person specified in the schedule is changed, the Commission must be notified immediately and a copy of the document certifying the relevant change must be sent (contact information for notification: tel. (044) 233-63-85, zvernennia@vkksu.gov.ua).
The test of general knowledge in the field of law and knowledge of the specialization of the relevant court will be held at the building of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine at Kyiv, 9 General Shapoval Str.
To register, you must have a passport of a citizen of Ukraine.
The test of general knowledge in the field of law and knowledge of the specialization of the relevant court will be conducted using computer technology.
The number of tasks selected for testing general knowledge of law and knowledge of the specialization of the relevant court in the information system on the principle of randomness, taking into account the taxonomic characteristics of testing and the number of test tasks in each section (subsection) of the Examination Programme and taxonomic characteristics of anonymous written testing for the qualification evaluation of candidates for the position of a judge of the appellate court, approved by the Commission’s decision of October 19, 2023, № 116/zp-23, is 150, of which 50 are general knowledge of law and 100 are knowledge of the specialization of the relevant court.
The duration of the test of general knowledge in the field of law and knowledge of the specialization of the relevant court is 150 minutes.
The maximum possible score at the stage of testing general knowledge in the field of law and knowledge of the specialization of the relevant court is 150.
The passing score for the general knowledge of law and knowledge of the specialization of the relevant court is 75 per cent of the maximum possible score, or 112,5 points.
The individual code and workplace for the test on general knowledge of law and knowledge of the specialization of the relevant court will be determined on a random basis using the method of blind selection by the judicial candidate among the printed and randomly placed hidden options.
The interested parties will be able to observe the process of testing general knowledge in the field of law and knowledge of the specialization of the relevant court in real time on the Internet.
The date, time and place of the cognitive skills test and the practical task on the specialization of the relevant court, as well as the procedure for conducting the relevant stage, will be determined by separate decisions of the Commission.
The Regulation on the procedure for passing the qualification exam and the methodology for evaluating candidates, approved by the Commission’s decision of June 19, 2024,
№ 185/zp-24 (as amended), is available at the link (the Regulation is also available in the subsection “Competition for the position of a judge” of the section “Activities” of the Commission’s official website (in Ukrainian version of the website)).
The list of test questions can be found in the section “Competition for сandidates for vacant positions of judges in the appellate courts, announced on September 14, 2023 (ONGOING)” in the subsection “Competition for the position of a judge” in the section “Activities” of the official website of the Commission (in Ukrainian version of the website).